12 Week Beginners Gym Weightlifting and Nutrition Guide


This program is great if you are not sure where to start on your strength training journey and have a basic “get strong, get healthy, and lose weight” type of goal. In this program, I teach you all the basics of how to confidently navigate the gym, choose your weights, and lift with good form. This program also includes tons of nutrition and macronutrient tips to help you solidify your progress. From here, you can progress to online train directly with me in one of my high-level, customized coaching options.

Welcome to my 12 week gym-based beginner strength training program!

Over the next 12 weeks, we’ll focus on gradually getting you stronger and slimmer by building lean muscle mass while shedding excess body fat. But don’t worry – my plan factors in ample rest time, so you won’t be huffing and puffing the whole workout. This program is designed to help you feel comfortable and confident in a gym setting.

I use science to design these workouts, which are programmed for beginners of any age to start strength training. If you put in the work and follow my complete plan, I promise you’ll join my other 1000+ clients (seriously) in transforming your whole life for the longterm!

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